What Geologists say about Misra & The Discovery of Late Precambrian fossils at Mistaken Point, Southeastern Newfoundland,Canada

What others have to say ...

(Please click on the messages to view the letters)   

M.F.Glaessner "It is a very valuable contribution to our  knowledge"
Prof. Aureal T.Cross

 - M.F.Glaessner,University of Adelaide, Dec.,1969

Wm.Lee Stokes "This is truly a remarkable find and a very important contribution to the early -life literature."
Gerald R.Ticari

- Professor Aureal T.Cross, Michigan State University, May ,1971.

R.Goldring "Your recent paper on Precambrian fossils from Newfoundland is outstanding and important."
Harold L.Levin

- Professor Wm.Lee Stokes, The University of Utah, Salt Lake, Dec., 69.

C.W.Stearn "... most impressive 'find' of body fossils from the age of the Conception Group"

Gerald R. Ticari, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1969 

"...very nice pictures which are pretty convincing .."

R.Goldring, McMaster University,Hamilton,Ontario, Dec.,1969


 http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/vendian/mistaken.html  This  page also gives some information on the subject.

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