S.B.Misra's Picture Library of Late Precambrian life

Photo Gallery

This page has links to the collection of some of the earliest photographs on Mistaken Point Fauna.;

ANDERSON,  M.M. and MISRA S.B.,(1968)  Fossils found in pre-Cambrian Conception Group of Southeastern Newfoundland. Nature, v.220, no.5168, pp.680-681.
Anderson, M.M; and Misra, S.B. Criteria for recognizing pre-Cambrian fossils: Nature, Vol. 223, No. 5210, p. 1076, 1969.
MISRA, S.B., (1969a) Geology of Biscay Bay-Cape  Race area, Avalon Peninsula , Newfoundland.. Unpub. M.S.Thesis, Memorial Uni., Newfoundland. Canada, p.139.
MISRA, S.B., (1969b) Late Precambrian(?) fossils from southeastern Newfoundland. Geol. Soc. America Bull., v.80,pp.2133-2140.
MISRA, S.B., (1971) Stratigraphy and Depositional History of Late Precambrian Coelenterate-bearing rocks, Southeastern Newfoundland. Geol. Soc. America Bull.,v.82, pp.979-988.
MISRA, S.B., (1981) Depositional Environment of the Late Precambrian Fossil-Bearing rocks of Southeastern Newfoundland, Canada. Journal of the Geological Society of India, Vol.22,No.8,1981.Next Paper
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