Stratigraphy and Depositional History of Late Precambrian Coelenterate-bearing rocks, Southeastern Newfoundland. 

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v.82, p.979-988,April, 7 figures,1971

Interbeds of shales and sandstones in the St. John's Formation Ellipsoidal calcareous sandstone in the Drook Formation at Drook
Sole marks on the undersurface of agreadedbed in the Cape Cove Formation Intraformational conglomerates in the sileceous argillites of the Freshwater Point Formation.
Well-cleaved St. John's shales showing deflection of cleavage as it passesfrom one layer to other. Recumbent and overturnedslump slump folding in the St.John's Formation.
Slump folds near Fisher's Point. Axes of the folds are almost vertical and normal stratification is distinctly seen in the background


Slump folding and faulting in the St. John's Formation near Cripple Cove.
Pseudo nodule produced by slumping in the St.John's Formation.